E-Book Reading

Hey guys,Again I don’t really get to read much since I’ve got to study a lot. But when I am studying I need a break now and then – and I like to spend these breaks reading. I don’t make a lot of progress but that’s fine. As I use to go to the library […]


Hallo ihr Lieben,Heute stelle ich euch endlich mal ein von mir selbst geschriebenes Gedicht vor. Mit diesem Gedicht kam ich unter die Preisträger des Gedichtwettbewerbs, von dem ich vor einiger Zeit schon berichtet habe. Ich hoffe, es gefällt euch. 🙂DABEIund nun steh ich hierich atme leisedabei zu vergessenwas ich nicht konnteund nun steh ich hierich […]

Juli Zeh

Hey guys, today I’ll post only in German again as I will be talking about a German author and I’m not quite sure whether her books are available in English as well. But if you are interested search for Juli Zeh, she’s great. Hallo ihr Lieben, heute möchte ich euch die Autorin Juli Zeh vorstellen. […]

Life of Pi

I watched this movie in the nice little cinema in my hometown lately and I thought it was quite moving. I really think about buying the book but at first I shortly want to present the film to you.  The main charactere is the Indian boy Pi. His family decides to move to Canada as […]